Andrea Legarreta Martinez was born in Mexico. She has worked as an actress, as well as a television host. Her daughters were with the singer Erik Rubin. Andrea Legarreta Martinez, born in July 1971, is the eldest of three daughters who Juan Legarreta had with Isabel Martinez. That alone would have made her Queen of the House, but on top of that she was beautiful. Her beauty was so alert, that her advertising uncle suggested she take over a model from the ad that was cancelled in the final minute. Therefore, with no intent of her own, she started her artistic career when she was just 2 years old of age. Because she performed exceptionally well that her parents kept calling for her to see if she would like to be a child model. When she was eight and was convinced that she was going to be a part of the world entertainment. She requested that her parents enroll her at Televisa Artistic Training Center. After a couple of years, she had the ability to keep her school schedule in line with ...